Responsive methods for the sleep of your dreams

I know how you feel

When my twin boys arrived, it was a whirlwind of emotions – excitement, fear, and disbelief. Nights were a blur of feedings and exhaustion. The lack of sleep took a toll, but it also sparked a determination in me. I delved into learning about baby sleep, implementing strategies to help my boys sleep better. As their sleep improved, so did our quality of life. This journey inspired me to become a sleep consultant, helping other parents navigate the challenges of sleep deprivation and find the rest they desperately need.

When you choose to embark on this journey with me, you're not just signing up for a cookie-cutter solution. I believe in the power of personalized support, tailored specifically to your family's unique circumstances and values. No two families are alike, and neither are their sleep challenges. That's why I take the time to truly understand your situation, your child's temperament, and your parenting philosophy.

I don't do cry it out; instead, my approach is gradual, focusing on making one small change at a time. My approach is responsive and compassionate, focusing on building trust and understanding between you and your little one. We'll work together to implement gradual changes that honour your child's needs while also prioritizing your well-being as a parent. By making one small adjustment at a time, we'll create sustainable sleep habits that set the stage for long-term success.

Throughout our journey together, you'll have my unwavering support and guidance every step of the way. From crafting a bedtime routine that fosters relaxation to addressing night wakings with empathy and patience, I'll be by your side, offering practical strategies and encouragement. Together, we'll create a sleep plan that not only helps your child thrive but also restores peace and harmony to your home.

Sara Davies

Mother, Wife, Lover of Sleep

OCN Level 5 Sleep Consultant

BSC HONS Psychology

Post Grad Primary Teacher

Sleep Guides

The New-born Sleep Guide

Newborn sleep guide

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